I discovered the below blog post hidden as a draft in my archives. I have no idea what happened there. This is still an important topic that I feel pretty strongly about, so I'm going to share this now, backdated to the day I first wrote about this.
Yesterday I came across this blog post, written by author Shannon Hale. Please take a moment to go and read this post. I'll wait.
Hale is the author of a number of highly-acclaimed books for children, including The Goose Girl, The Princess Academy, Rapunzel's Revenge, and The Princess in Black. She's a great writer. Many of Hale's books do feature girls as the central characters and they do often feature fairy tail-esque characters and settings. But her characters also have a lot of spunk and many of her books feature adventurous plots. In my opinion, there is nothing to be found in these books that cannot be appreciated by boys and girls alike.
Yet when I look at all of the reader's advisory that I have done over the past several years, how often have I given one of Shannon Hale's books to a boy? I'm not sure that I ever have. I do, however, regularly give her books to girls.
I truly don't think that this is a choice that I have consciously made. I think that it's just the sort of response that comes from years and years of social conditioning regarding what boys want versus what girls want.
This phenomenon is not something exclusive to libraries. We see situations like this at toy stores all the time. Think about LEGOs, for example. There are "girl" LEGO Friends sets, hued with pink bricks and featuring larger character figures great for storytelling. The good news is that we live in a refined enough society that we know that it's also okay for girls to pick up a Star Wars LEGO set, or the Pirates set. But is it socially acceptable for a boy to play with the pink LEGO Friends set? Not so much.
I'm glad that we've become the sort of society where girls have, for the most part, been told that they can do whatever they want. They can read "girl" books, or they can read "boy" books. But we still have a ways to go when it comes to gender equality. We now need to also lift our boys up and tell them that they can play with the girls and read "girl" books and play with the "girl" toys. Let's dare to take this even a step further. We need to stop categorizing books and toys in this way at all. Let's just call them "books" and "toys" and be done with it.
It's one thing to have these noble ambitions in one's head. It's one thing to understand them logically. It's another thing entirely to actually put these gender-equalizing views into practice. After all, we're looking to undo more than a 200,000 years of gender bias.
So my challenge to myself is this: When a child comes to the library asking for a book suggestion, if it seems appropriate to the child's interests I will attempt to give a boy a book with a female protagonist. I will not apologize for it.
A Youth Services Librarian shares stories about the library, book reviews, and more.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Monday, February 23, 2015
Maker Mondays - Cupcake Wars
This year I have started a series of programs for teens and tweens (grades 5+) affectionately dubbed, "Maker Mondays." Once each month (yes, on a Monday) participants gather to do some sort of hands-on project. Sometimes we might do craft projects, sometimes we might do something more science based. No matter what the project may be, each month's activity is very hands-on and often requires some creativity. I'm also trying hard to make sure that there's a component where the participants are working together and collaborating/sharing as they work.
Our first Maker Mondays program was Cupcake Wars. This is a program that I've had on my radar for some time, and it seemed to fit in nicely with the theme. I set out a ton of frostings and toppings, and gave each participant three cupcakes. The teens were given three challenges for decorating their cupcakes:
1) One cupcake could be decorated any way desired. Anything goes!
2) One cupcake had to be decorated to represent a book. Any book was fine! A book display was on hand to provide inspiration.
3) One cupcake had to use at least one of the ingredients from the "unusual toppings" table.
I decided not to do any actual voting or judging to declare a winner, though I did ask all participants to take turns showing their cupcakes to the group and talking about their inspirations and what ingredients they chose to use. At the end the kids were allowed to eat their cupcakes and/or take them home.
Food-based programs are always hugely popular, and this one was no exception with 16 total participants. Everyone seemed to have a great time, and it didn't even take too much cajoling to get the teens to share their creations.
It's a good thing that food-based programs are so popular, because they unfortunately are always a tad expensive. Let's face it, junk food and candy aren't cheap!
To save a bit on money, I bought boxed cake mix and made my own cupcakes to use in this program. This saved us a ton of money compared to the cost of purchasing cupcakes from a bakery, but required a bit more time and effort on my end. I also suggest that other librarians looking to do this program double check their library's rules regarding serving food before making their own cupcakes to be sure that your policies allow for this.
I purchased several different types of canned frosting for the teens/tweens to use. I also provided a few containers of easy-squeeze decorating icing.
Toppings for the cupcakes were easily the largest expense. To put this program together, I suggest first raiding your own cupboards at home to see if there is anything that you can spare a small amount of. There were tons of leftovers since we really only needed a very small amount of each topping, but we did want to have a wide variety of toppings to choose from. Many of the leftovers were saved to be used as snacks for upcoming programs.
Some of the toppings that I made available included:
Our first Maker Mondays program was Cupcake Wars. This is a program that I've had on my radar for some time, and it seemed to fit in nicely with the theme. I set out a ton of frostings and toppings, and gave each participant three cupcakes. The teens were given three challenges for decorating their cupcakes:
1) One cupcake could be decorated any way desired. Anything goes!
2) One cupcake had to be decorated to represent a book. Any book was fine! A book display was on hand to provide inspiration.
3) One cupcake had to use at least one of the ingredients from the "unusual toppings" table.
I decided not to do any actual voting or judging to declare a winner, though I did ask all participants to take turns showing their cupcakes to the group and talking about their inspirations and what ingredients they chose to use. At the end the kids were allowed to eat their cupcakes and/or take them home.
Food-based programs are always hugely popular, and this one was no exception with 16 total participants. Everyone seemed to have a great time, and it didn't even take too much cajoling to get the teens to share their creations.
It's a good thing that food-based programs are so popular, because they unfortunately are always a tad expensive. Let's face it, junk food and candy aren't cheap!
To save a bit on money, I bought boxed cake mix and made my own cupcakes to use in this program. This saved us a ton of money compared to the cost of purchasing cupcakes from a bakery, but required a bit more time and effort on my end. I also suggest that other librarians looking to do this program double check their library's rules regarding serving food before making their own cupcakes to be sure that your policies allow for this.
I purchased several different types of canned frosting for the teens/tweens to use. I also provided a few containers of easy-squeeze decorating icing.
Toppings for the cupcakes were easily the largest expense. To put this program together, I suggest first raiding your own cupboards at home to see if there is anything that you can spare a small amount of. There were tons of leftovers since we really only needed a very small amount of each topping, but we did want to have a wide variety of toppings to choose from. Many of the leftovers were saved to be used as snacks for upcoming programs.
Some of the toppings that I made available included:
- Oreo Cookies
- Chocolate Chips
- Butterscotch Chips
- Raspberries
- Blueberries
- Sweedish Fish
- M&Ms
- Pixie Stix
- Snickers Bars
- Reece's Peanut Butter Cups
- Pretzels
- Graham Crackers
- Marshmallows
- Peanuts
- Trail Mix
- Flavor-Blasted Goldfish
- Chex Mix
- Corn Chips
- Sun-Dried Tomatoes
- Crispy Pepper Chips
- Beef Jerkey
- Olives
- Jalapenos
- Shredded Cheddar Cheese
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Cover Art - Coincidence?
While perusing my Goodreads account, I went to visit my "medical issues" bookshelf. (I have various shelves that describe themes/topics addressed in the book.) I couldn't help but notice something:
All of these books - the most recent 20 books that I put on this shelf all have covers that contain lots of blue and/or green. I wonder if there's something about this color that publishers associate with this theme, or if this is all just a striking coincidence.
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Today at Work...
Sometimes I find myself doing some pretty interesting things at the library. Today, I spent a little time playing with magnetic poetry.
I promise, this was a completely legitimate use of my time! The poetry and easel arrived in today's delivery, and I just had to open it up andplay try it out as a way of getting ready for an upcoming passive program in honor of National Poetry Month in April. Stay tuned for the full story!
I promise, this was a completely legitimate use of my time! The poetry and easel arrived in today's delivery, and I just had to open it up and
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
2015 ALA Youth Media Awards
On February 2, the American Library Association announced the winners of their Youth Media Awards. The oldest, most prestigious, and most well-known of these awards are the Caldecott Medal (given to, "the most distinguished American picture book for children") and the Newbery Medal (given to, "the most outstanding contribution to children's literature"). For a complete list of the medal and honor books for all 22 awards, please visit this website.
This year was a fairly landmark year when it comes to these awards. Here are this year's winners:
Caldecott Medal
The Adventures of Beekle: The Unimaginary Friend by Dan Santat
Beekle is an imaginary friend. All imaginary friends live together in a magical land until they are imagined by a child and join this child in the real world. Unfortunately, Beekle's turn never seems to come. So he takes mattes into his own hands and journeys all alone to the real world to look for a friend. Eventually he finds a child, Alice, who is the perfect companion. Dan Santat's signature style really shines in this story.
Honor Books:
Nana in the City by Lauren Castillo
The Noisy Paint Box: The Colors and Sounds of Kandinsky's Abstract Art by Barb Rosenstock, illisturated by Mary GrandPré
Sam & Dave Dig a Hole by Mark Barnett, illustrated by Jon Klassen
Viva Frida by Yuyi Morales
The Right Word: Roget and His Thesaurus by Jen Bryant, Illustrated by Melissa Sweet
This One Summer by Mariko Tamaki, illustrated by Jillian Tamaki
Newbery Medal
The Crossover by Kwame Alexander
Josh and his twin brother Jordan are the best there is on their middle-school basketball court. After all, they learned the game from their father, who once won a European championship and would have played pro for the Lakers had an injury not ended his playing career. Josh narrates this story of his own potential championship season with fantastic poetry that really captures the movement and intensity both on and off the court.
Honor Books:
El Deafo by Cece Bell
Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Wilson
What a year! There's so much to say that I don't even think that I can do it properly with prose. Bullet points it is.
This year was a fairly landmark year when it comes to these awards. Here are this year's winners:
Caldecott Medal
The Adventures of Beekle: The Unimaginary Friend by Dan Santat
Beekle is an imaginary friend. All imaginary friends live together in a magical land until they are imagined by a child and join this child in the real world. Unfortunately, Beekle's turn never seems to come. So he takes mattes into his own hands and journeys all alone to the real world to look for a friend. Eventually he finds a child, Alice, who is the perfect companion. Dan Santat's signature style really shines in this story.
Honor Books:
Nana in the City by Lauren Castillo
The Noisy Paint Box: The Colors and Sounds of Kandinsky's Abstract Art by Barb Rosenstock, illisturated by Mary GrandPré
Sam & Dave Dig a Hole by Mark Barnett, illustrated by Jon Klassen
Viva Frida by Yuyi Morales
The Right Word: Roget and His Thesaurus by Jen Bryant, Illustrated by Melissa Sweet
This One Summer by Mariko Tamaki, illustrated by Jillian Tamaki
Newbery Medal

Josh and his twin brother Jordan are the best there is on their middle-school basketball court. After all, they learned the game from their father, who once won a European championship and would have played pro for the Lakers had an injury not ended his playing career. Josh narrates this story of his own potential championship season with fantastic poetry that really captures the movement and intensity both on and off the court.
Honor Books:
El Deafo by Cece Bell
Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Wilson
What a year! There's so much to say that I don't even think that I can do it properly with prose. Bullet points it is.
- NONE of the Newbery award winners are written in traditional prose. Two are written in verse and one is a graphic novel. Wow. Speaking of:
- A graphic novel (El Deafo) winning a Newbery Honor! That's a big deal. It's never happened before. This is history in the making, folks. I'd seen this book in the talks but wasn't sure if or how the committee could consider it because graphic novels rely so heavily on illustration (a factor that I think that the committee is not supposed to consider when awarding this honor). But now we have our answer, and I think it's fantastic. Nice to see graphic novels get a little credence. Speaking of:
- Another graphic novel (This One Summer) winning a Caldecott Honor! This is somehow less shocking since graphic novels rely on illustration and this award is given specifically for illustration. But somehow it's never happened before until this year. In retrospect, this is shocking. More literary history! What surprises me a bit more about this particular honor is that the Caldecott is specifically for books for children up to age 14, and I really think that this particular book really pushes that limit. Fourteen is about the youngest I'd give this graphic novel too, and I kind of feel like that's pushing it a bit. It's worth noting that this book also was graced with another silver medal, a Printz Honor, given to outstanding books for young adults. Still, there's no denying that these illustrations are gorgeous.
- So many Caldecotts! Six honor books, plus the medal. And I did not see most of these books coming - only Sam & Dave Dig a Hole and Viva Frida were really on my radar. Not sure if that speaks to my lack of reading this year, or to this year's field of published material.
Monday, February 9, 2015
A Big Number
This month in the children's department we are doing a Valentine's Day passive program. We have a big jar of conversation hears on display, and we've challenged everyone to guess how many are in the jar. It's all quite charming, and that big jar of candy has been a real attention-grabber.
Today a group of our regulars (two kids, age 5, and their nanny) came in and noticed the jar. The nanny tried to get her kids to take a guess. This activity is naturally a bit of a challenging for younger kids who do not yet possess refined estimation skills. The nanny knew this, and really just tried to get the kids to guess a really big number. The first child's guess? One million.
The conversation with the second child is what really cracked me up:
"How many hearts do you think are in the jar? Think of a really big number."
This lead to a brief, but very nice conversation about how infinity is never ending and there was definitely not a never-ending number of conversation hearts in the jar. The kids seemed to accept this restriction on their guesses and the conversation continued.
"So let's guess again. Think of a really big number that isn't infinity."
From one extreme to the other. Well done, kid.
Today a group of our regulars (two kids, age 5, and their nanny) came in and noticed the jar. The nanny tried to get her kids to take a guess. This activity is naturally a bit of a challenging for younger kids who do not yet possess refined estimation skills. The nanny knew this, and really just tried to get the kids to guess a really big number. The first child's guess? One million.
The conversation with the second child is what really cracked me up:
"How many hearts do you think are in the jar? Think of a really big number."
This lead to a brief, but very nice conversation about how infinity is never ending and there was definitely not a never-ending number of conversation hearts in the jar. The kids seemed to accept this restriction on their guesses and the conversation continued.
"So let's guess again. Think of a really big number that isn't infinity."
From one extreme to the other. Well done, kid.
Saturday, February 7, 2015
All the Books
A mother comes in to the library with her son, four or five years old, and a list of 12 recommended books. I'm not sure exactly where the list came from, but I'm guessing it came from her child's school or daycare. She asked if I would please help her find all of the books on the list.
I asked, in the interest of clarification, "Do you need to get all of these books, or just some of them?"
Her response: "All of them please."
So I take her book hunting. We're actually doing really well, tracking down such lovely titles as The Story of Ferdinand by Munro Leaf, Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears by Verna Aardema, and Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs by Judi Barrett. Eventually we have a stack of seven or eight books. As I hand her a lovely Robert Munsch book her eyes grow big. She looks at the stack, then looks at me and says, "I think this is enough books for now."
The moral of the story: Twelve books looks pretty manageable on paper, but this number is surprisingly heavy to carry.
The second moral: It's okay to pace yourself. No need to READ ALL THE BOOKS!**
**You can read as many books as you want, or as few as you want, as fast or as slow as you want. No pressure. It's supposed to be fun.
I asked, in the interest of clarification, "Do you need to get all of these books, or just some of them?"
Her response: "All of them please."
So I take her book hunting. We're actually doing really well, tracking down such lovely titles as The Story of Ferdinand by Munro Leaf, Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears by Verna Aardema, and Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs by Judi Barrett. Eventually we have a stack of seven or eight books. As I hand her a lovely Robert Munsch book her eyes grow big. She looks at the stack, then looks at me and says, "I think this is enough books for now."
The moral of the story: Twelve books looks pretty manageable on paper, but this number is surprisingly heavy to carry.
The second moral: It's okay to pace yourself. No need to READ ALL THE BOOKS!**
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Image not mine. Parody of a lovely image from Hyperbole and a Half. Origin of the parody unknown. It seems to be all over the interwebs. |
**You can read as many books as you want, or as few as you want, as fast or as slow as you want. No pressure. It's supposed to be fun.
Monday, February 2, 2015
During the months of December and January, our passive program in the teen area was very simple. I put out some quarter sheets of colored paper and asked the teens to draw something. They were then invited to pin their drawings up on the bulletin boards.
In two months time, we had 21 doodles posted up on the bulletin board. Not bad considering how slow of a month December usually is in Library Land. It was also really interesting to see what kinds of things the teen choose to draw. Subjects ranged from flowers to fan art to winter scenes to animals. The artistic rendering ranged from super basic to very detailed. But since it's all anonymous, there was (I hope) no real pressure for anyone to do anything in particular - which is in my mind one of the major appeals of this activity.
In two months time, we had 21 doodles posted up on the bulletin board. Not bad considering how slow of a month December usually is in Library Land. It was also really interesting to see what kinds of things the teen choose to draw. Subjects ranged from flowers to fan art to winter scenes to animals. The artistic rendering ranged from super basic to very detailed. But since it's all anonymous, there was (I hope) no real pressure for anyone to do anything in particular - which is in my mind one of the major appeals of this activity.
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