Saturday, August 20, 2011


When she was eight years old, Darra's father stole a car. What he didn't know was that Wren, a girl Darra's age, was hiding in the back seat. Wren spent two days hiding in Darra's family's garage before she escaped, and Darra's father was taken to jail shortly afterward. Six years later, Wren and Darra meet again by chance at summer camp and neither girl is happy to be forced to confront their past. But slowly the girls begin to make peace with what happened as they share their stories and come to the realization that none of it was their fault.

From a narrative perspective, Hidden is a really fascinating book. The story is told not only from alternating perspectives, but also in verse using two different poetic forms. The style of poetry used really reflects on the background and mindset of these two very different characters. The first section of the book, told from Wren's perspective, is incredibly quick and intense as she describes her "kidnapping" and escape. The rest of the book is quieter and more psychological, but the complexity of Darra and Wren's emotions will keep readers engaged. Author Helen Frost does a great job of creating two characters that readers will connect with instantly, even when the two girls are at odds.

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