Saturday, December 20, 2008

I've recently been given a whirlwind tour of, and I'm in love. It's a great place to keep track of the books that you've read (or the books you want to read...). You can then rate each book on a five-star scale, or even write your own review of the book. Users can also compare the books that they have read and ranked with their friends to see how similar their tastes are, or how much their opinions of the books match up.

This is a great website for avid readers! You not only have a place to share your opinions on books that you've read, but also a means of looking at other books that you may enjoy. For example, if you have a friend on Goodreads whose taste you trust, you can look to see what they've read to give you ideas for what to look for next. And if you're like me and read lots of books, having a list of the one's you've already tried has the great potential to be helpful when you just can't remember what that book's title was.

I try to post a book review here about once a week or so, but I really read a lot more books than that on average. If anyone else is curious to see what else I've been reading lately, feel free to take a look at my profile on Goodreads and browse my "bookshelves." Maybe you'll see something else there that you'll enjoy!


Sarah Elsewhere said...

Ah! How did I not realize you were on here! I remember you saying you were going to start a book review blog... Was it that long ago now? Jeepers!

To be more on topic, I had a goodreads account a year or so ago, and it was fun for a while. This may be weird of me, but so far I prefer the aggressive "you might like this" recommendation feature on amazon, second to tips from people I know.

Sandy said...

He he. I think I may have posted a link to this blog on LJ back when I started it. At least I intended to...

The nice thing about Goodreads is that even if I never used it to get book recomendations, I can keep track of everything I've read. I can see it being useful when I'm desperately trying to remember the name of that book I read, and all I can remember is what the cover looked like. Meh, we'll see in time how useful it really is though.

Sarah Elsewhere said...

That is true! I bet it could be super helpful for a memory aid. I've spent the past few years trying to remember the name of a book I once read, but it was sadly from the long agos. I think I'd be terrified of doing reference in a public library just for questions like that. "I read this book! It was great. It had a red cover. Do you have it?" "Uhh..."