Friday, February 6, 2009

Seeking Information on Crafts!

I just got back from a meeting sponsored by my library's system about programming for Summer Library Program. Overall, it was a great experience. We got to look at all sorts of cool crafts and got some great recommendations of books to look at for more information about these sometimes-elaborate projects.

My one complaint: Some of the books that were mentioned are no longer in print! I understand how this happens, as the two librarians running the program have been around for a long time so they naturally have some old tried and true favorites. But that doesn't really help the rest of us, who might have trouble finding the books they referenced. So now I'm on a mission to look for more current resources that might be helpful with book/paper-making projects. Anyone have any suggestions? Or know of any other super-cool crafts/craft books?

For those who haven't heard, this summer's theme is "Get Creative @ Your Library." Not a bad theme at all, as it leaves lots of room for librarians to really flex their artistic/musical/dramatic muscles. It will be interesting to see how different libraries approach this theme - after all, every library will be able to "get creative" in their own unique way!

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