Thursday, October 15, 2009

Kids Internet Resources - The United States

As promised, here is Part 2 of my exploration of great websites for kids. Today's topic is the United States of America. The websites listed below give a good overview of how our government works, our history, and some information about each of the fifty states that make up this great nation.

American FactFinder Kids Corner
This is the children's page of the US Census Bureau's website. Here, kids can find all sorts of great statistical information about the fifty states.

America's Story from America's Library
This website is built and maintained by the Library of Congress, and provides an interactive look at American history with games and exhibits.

Ben's Guide to the US Government
This is by far my favorite website EVER for exploring the United States government. Learn about the three branches, how laws are made, and US citizenship with different portals of information geared for students of different grade levels.

Encyclopedia Britanica's Guide to Black History
This is a great portal to everything related to black history. Check out the great selection of video and audio clips, the timeline, and more.

Fifty States and Capitols
While this information does have some obnoxious adds, it also has one of the most comprehensive lists I've seen of quick facts about each of the 50 states.

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