Monday, February 15, 2010

Whip It

Excitement abounded when I managed to track down a copy of the recently released DVD Whip It, staring Ellen Page and Drew Barrymore. The film is based on the book Derby Girl by Shauna Cross, which I reviewed here on this blog a few weeks ago.

Overall, I was pleased with the movie. It was actually a good adaptation of the book, staying true to the plot through most of the film. The film actually did a much better job than the book of explaining exactly how roller derby works - what the rules are, what a bout is like, all that good stuff. Yes, there were plenty of moves shown in the film that, while exciting for the sake of cinematics, would never be allowed in actual roller derby. But oh well.

My only complaint is that they majorly changed Bliss's character. In the book she's very sure of herself, very indie rock and tough in her own way. She's an independant spirit who knows what she wants, even if she isn't always sure exactly how to get it. The character was altered in the film to be more doe-eyed, unsure of herself who uses roller derby as a means of finding her own strength. Roller derby isn't another form of rebellion - it's her only form of rebellion. Frankly, I liked the tough Bliss better. Despte this change, however, the central theme of finding your own place in the world and the excitement of the derby shine through.

Not a terrible choice for a fun, laid-back movie night.

Overall Quality of the Film: B+
Overall Faithfulness to the Book: A-

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