Saturday, April 2, 2011

Dear George Clooney, Please Marry My Mom

Violet's world was turned upside town two years ago when her parents divorced and her father moved to Los Angeles to marry a pretty young actress. Ever since then Violet's mother has dated a number of other men, all of whom turned out to be liars/loosers/jerks. Needless to say, Violet isn't happy with all of these changes and she constantly butts heads with her new step family and her mom's new status as a single woman. When her mom takes up with the unfortunately-named Dudly Wiener, Violet decides that her mom needs a little help finding the perfect man. And who would be a better boyfriend/husband/father than the handsome, suave George Clooney? Violet writes the actor an impassioned letter and meanwhile starts hatching some plans of her own to help her mom see the light.

Author Susin Nielsen really gets her middle-grade audience. She creates very well-developed characters and does a great job of helping readers experience the complicated emotions that her characters are feeling. Nielsen is also completely honest wither her audience, and this respect for her young readers is a rare treat. This book in particular is a solid look at divorce and the effect that it - and all of its messy fall out - can have on a child's life. Violet is a flawed character who acts out, makes rash judgements and takes her frustrations out on other people. But despite her pettiness (or perhaps because of it), readers will still care for Violet as they come to understand her pain and root for her to finally make peace with her parents' divorce. Parts of this book are funny while parts are sad, and in the end it all blends together to create a dynamic, engaging story.

Overall Grade: A

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