Thursday, September 13, 2012

Librarian's Purpose

The Children's Reference Desk sits in the children's area of the library, and there is always a staff person there ready to help patrons with whatever they need. Tonight I found myself at the desk as a young boy, about 5 years old, brought over a few books that we wanted to check out. I told him that I couldn't check out his books, but he could take them to the "Big Desk" (the Circulation Desk) just outside of the children's area. The boy looked at me, squinted in confusion, and asked:

"Then what are you there for?"

Fair question, my friend. I explained to the boy that I was there to answer any questions that someone might have and that I could help people find the books they were looking for. Since neither of these situations seemed to apply to him, this kid was severely unimpressed.

I can't decide if this whole exchange was hilarious or vaguely insulting to my career.

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