Friday, June 24, 2011

The Economics of Using Your Library

A friend of mine recently shared this article, posted yesterday on MSN Money. Take a couple of minutes to read though it, and think of the amount of money that can save each year by taking full advantage of what the library has to offer.

Here's another great way to calculate the value of your library. The Massachusetts Library Association has created what they call a Library Calculator, now hosted by the American Library Association (ALA). Plug in how many materials you borrow, how many programs you attend, or how much time you spend on a library's computer. It will then calculate exactly how much money you save by taking advantage of free library services.

Taking advantage of your public library isn't just about finding great books. It's also about finding movies, music and magazines. It's about computer usage and attending a variety of fun and/or informative programs. It's all about public education. And it's all free to the public - why wouldn't you take advantage of your library?

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