Monday, May 14, 2012

Fractured Fairy Tales

I love a good fractured fairy tale. This month my book display in the teen area is full of such stories!

Here are just a few books that have made an appearance on this display:

Cloaked by Alex Flinn
This story is made up of bits of several different tales, including "The Elves and the Shoemaker," "The Six Swans," and "The Frog Prince." The crazy combinations keep this book interesting. Flinn has also written a number of other fairy tale renditions, including the popular Beastly.

Princess of the Midnight Ball by Jessica Day George
This novel is a retelling of "The Twelve Dancing Princesses". The setting is especially intriguing in this version - it makes me think of 18th Century Europe. Also, the hero is a young man who knits. If you liked this one, also try the companion novel, Princess of Glass.

Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce
This book takes many of "Little Red Riding Hood's" themes and builds a story fit for a modern setting. There are also supernatural elements as sisters Scarlett and Rosie hunt werewolves.

A Long Long Sleep by Anna Sheehan
"Sleeping Beatury" meets the popular sci-fi genre in this book. Doesn't that sound like an intriguing combination?

Toads and Diamonds by Heather Tomlinson
A retelling of the fairy tale of the same name, in which a mistreated younger sister is blessed to have diamonds and flowers fall from her lips when she speaks. Her older step-sister attempts to earn the same blessing, but is cursed for her arrogance as snakes and toads fall from her mouth instead. This version is set in India.

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