Sunday, July 22, 2012

Summer Detox

Summer can be a stressful time for children's librarians thanks to the chaos that is the Summer Library Program. I've been so busy this summer that I haven't had much time or energy to devote to sharing my library adventures in this blog. Oops! Don't worry, I have several blog posts planned and I'll have them published as soon as I have the time to put them together.

In the meantime, here are some of the things that this librarian has been doing to keep calm this summer when things get crazy in the children's area:

Chocolate. It is amazing what one mini Recess' Peanut Butter Cup can do to your energy level when you're dragging at 2:00 pm. Chocolate has also been shown to help our body fight stress by reducing the levels of stress-causing hormones in our system.

Ice Cream. Often times I spend a good chunk of my workday talking as I explain the reading program, register kids for special programs, and give kids their prizes. By the end of a busy day my throat is raw and dry, and nothing soothes the throat quite like a cold scoop of ice cream.

Exercise. After a day at the library I like to go for a run or a walk if I can. The fresh air can be refreshing after being inside all day, and the exercise helps your body produce stress-relieving endorphins. Exercise is also important since it helps to burn the calories from the previously-mentioned comfort food.

To-Do Lists. With so much going on at the library, it is very helpful to make myself a to-do list so that I can make sure that everything that needs to be done is actually getting done. It's also very satisfying to cross completed tasks off the list. The sense of accomplishment is important for maintaining the motivation to keep going when the list of things to do seems never-ending.

Hang Out with Grown-Ups. I absolutely love working with children and teens, but at the end of my work day it's nice to go out and have a conversation with an adult. Some sort of activity - going out to dinner, watching a baseball game, etc. - can also provide a much needed mental break and relieves stress much better than vegging on the couch.

Remember. It is very important when things get crazy at the library to pause for a moment and remember why we do what we do during the summer. We're trying to promote literacy for kids during the summer when they aren't in school. We're doing a good thing for these kids, and we want them to come to the library. And not only do we get to promote literacy by encouraging reading, but we also get to have fun doing art projects, hosting cool performers, and playing video games with our patrons. I have the best job ever, so in the end all of the crazy is worth it!

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